Friday, November 9, 2018

People not voting is the fault of the system and its politicians, not the people

I am fucking sick a tired of hearing congresscritters and other members of our political class, and their news media acolytes, attack the people for exercising their democratic right to give elections the finger.

Never mind this election we just had; look at the big one. For two years before a presidential election we are subjected to a constant 24 X 7 X 365 bombardment about how we get to decide the ultimate fate of life, the universe and everything!

No-one is allowed to say different. There's not even a single letter to the editor, never mind a columnist or TV gasbag that disagrees. When did you ever read a column saying, "don't vote. It only encourages them?" Or hear a TV or radio political pontificator explaining what you can hear on any bus in any American city: "If God had meant us to vote, she would have given us candidates."

Then comes the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of a year divisible by four without a remainder. Almost 66 million vote for Queen Hillary, 63 million for Trumpus Maximus, and six million between them for the Greens and Libertarians, there to show how even weirdos, perverts and the clinically insane can have their own presidential candidates.

And, oh yeah. There's 100 million, give or take, who say, "take this election and shove it!"

Why would they say that? Well consider the numbers I reported above: 66 megavotes for Hillary. 63 for Trumpus, so The Donald is president.

Do you realize that in just about every  other country in the entire world, when they want to cram a president down your throat, at least they have the decency to pretend that the person got more votes?

And then there's the Senate. The nearly 40,000,000 people of California will once again be represented by Diane Feinstein, who will have the same exact status and power as John Barrasso, who is being sent to the Senate by the fewer than 600,000 people of Wyoming.

We have 500,000 --that's right, half a million-- elected positions in this country but the vast majority are not really elected, they're imposed by the dominant political machine in the area. Then there are the contested elections, where politicians sell themselves through a legalized system of bribery known as "campaign contributions" although there's also the modality where the rich people will buy both candidates and then let the people freely choose which one is better at fooling them.

Beyond "elections" we come to the Holy of Holies, John Roberts and the Supremes. It's a dictatorial constitutional convention with nine delegates appointed for life. I say dictatorial in the strictest, scientific sense of the word: an authority bound by no pre-existing laws. They "interpret" (invent) the constitution as it serves the purposes of the majority of these robed reactionaries of the ruling rich ... and whoever holds their puppet strings.

Liberals and self-styled "socialists" who berate the people for not exercising their "democratic" right to vote should concentrate instead on getting rid of our slave owner's constitution and replacing it with one that provides for a democratic republic instead. And I don't even mean a socialist one; just a plain old standard-issue bourgeois democracy would be a great advance.
--José G. Pérez

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